@innercircle I think the meaning of "war is peace" is the war is making peace because they want to sieze other nations and by making them one of them they will be peaceful. (Anne)
@Inner Circle Maybe because war is so commonplace and considered the norm in Oceania that it is "peace" because it happens all the time, constantly like peace normally would have in a normal world?
Paige Doublethink is a word in 'Newspeak' meaning to think alot. For example, if you think somethink is really good, then in Newspeak it is doublegood.
@Jack S I agree with your opinion on freedom is slavery because if one is given too much freedom its hard for them to manage themselves, which makes it difficult to live. It is good to be a slave in some manners, so that we all don't just go crazy
@ Paige It seems to me, that doublethink is where you take a thought and contradict it with the thought the big brother wants you to think until you believe what the big brother says, so it's kind of like changing yourself a little bit. That's the impression it made on me.
@Inner Circle I think they use "War is Peace" in their slogan because war for this society had created a structured society that provided what people wanted. Jobs were able for everyone, and they all were working together because they were at war. When a community is at war, people work together and there is less fighting inside their community.
@Paige in the book "doublethink is described as a series of victories over your own memory. Maybe it is like they erase their own memories to get rid of thoughts that they may not like.
Taylor, They say that they use newspeak because it is easier to talk without thinking. If there is plus something or un something it is better than thinking of bad, mean, short, tall, kind, nice. In oldspeak, talkers have to think before they say something to make sure that they get their point across succesfully. Thinking leads to thoughtcrimes so they are trying to eliminate the chances of throughtcrime, kind of like putting a wall up between the US and Mexico, if they make it hard to come over, less will come over.
@Taylor O I think that they are trying to have everybody use "newspeak" so that they can evolve to have less thought. Big-Brother never wants anybody to contradict him and if having thoughts is a crime, then I think he is just trying to make it completley impossible to have thoughts of their own.
@Anne I agree with you on the fact that by seizing other nations through war you therefore create more peace because that nation can no longer be a threat to you.
@ Taylor Bad is as much a concept as it is a word, so if you take out the concept of bad the government can do whatever they want, without being "bad".
I think they don't physically erase their memory, they are just in such a routine day that their days blur togeter in a way and they use some propaganda to try to make you forget things. (Anne)
@Eli I think they also may use the "war is peace" slogan to convince people that the war is good and that it is creating peace for the people in Oceania and will make those people's lives better.
@Taylor Newspeak I think is created and used to make their language condensed and simpler, kind of the idea of "less is more." If there are less words to choose from, the better chance you will have to be understood is what I think they are trying to create for their community.
@outer circle Why do they have thought police? Does this just mean that everyone is almost a robot, (in a sence that they go off of what Big Brother is telling them to think) or is it just so that people don't think about rising against the government?
@Inner Circle I think the thought police are real because Orwell probably thought that by 1984 the government would be able to control our thoughts, so therefore I think it will be a point of emphasis in the book
@Lauren A I like your thinking and it does make sense, but then again war is also apart of our life and world and probably is considered the norm for many people, yet we strive for peace everyday.
@Taylor I think that they use Newspeak for many reasons, but one may be that because normal English has so many different ways to say things, it encourages and creates originality, and makes people different from each other. Also, having so many words to choose from to say one thing is a freedom, and when the people don't have the freedom to think or say what they want to (Thoughtpolice) then why wouldn't they restrict others freedoms, like the freedom to pick from a wide selection of words that all mean basically the same thing?
@Inner Circle The thought police is tool this society uses to control their people wit fear. Whether the thought police is real or not, it works because it forces people to obey a society they don't agree with be cause of their immense fear, to the point that kids are turning in their parents.
@innercircle I think Winston keeps writing in the journnal becuase he wanted to tell someone what he was feeling and what was happening, but he didn't have a real person to tell the things to so he wrote it down just to get it out. (Anne)
@ Paige Doublethink is a word in newspeak, which means to over think or think a lot. It is also described in the book as a series of victories over your own memories.
@Sam I think that like in Fahrenheit 451, the people believe that it is their duty to have children and keep the population going. Maybe children were not always like that too, so people remember their childhoods when kids were a good thing and parents loved them instead of being afraid of them.
Sam People might have children because the government tells them it is their job to do have kids. The population would decline too much if parents don't have kids. This also leads to the question, will all kids turn their parents in even if they didn't commit any crimes?
@Annie G I agree with you, but there are times when we don't have war, but in the book Winston recollects that he could not remember a time when they were not in war, with the exception of when he was a child.
@innercircle I agree that people do turn in other people so there is less of a chance for them to get caught. It's like in todays society when criminals turn in acomplises to get a shorter time in prison. (Anne)
@Sam Big Brother probably came to power by the promise t make life better. People run towards things that promise good things for their lives. Big Brother could have started out healthy and productive, but slowly, after it came to power, it changed to the society it is in the book.
I think everyone acts the way that the government wants but just not as severely, because at the hate meeting they were all praising Big Brother and hating his enemies.
@ Inner Circle It doesn't really matter weather the thought police exist or not because it does what it is supposed to do because it keeps civilians acting the way Big Brother wants them to. Which is scared and afraid of doing something that Big Brother would not agree with.
@Sam G Big-Brother probably rose to power like Hitler did. They promised certain things and got so many people on their side, but went off on their own. At this point they probably had enough power, and put in so many rules that nobody could go agianst Big-Brother.
@Paige I don't see why all children would turn in their parents, the children of Mrs. Parsons clearly take their job seriously, but maybe not all children are like that.
I agree with Anne and Jack. I think that Big Brother uses the war as a way to control the people and society better. The people can’t really remember a time before the war so they now rely on Big brother to control the wars, which they believe is the only way the only way to peace.
I think the children turn their parents in because they trust their government and they feel like they accompished something and did people good. (Anne)
Jack B The situation in Fahrenheit 451 is so much better because those people are happy and clueless. In this world, they know they might die, they work themselves till their death, and there is never enough of anything. One thing for sure is that the people are safer in Fahrenheit 451 than in 1984.
@Jack B. I don't think you can choose because both are bad situations. Both societies run their people by fear, which pushes people to make crazy decisions.
@Annie G. I agree, I think it could be dependent on how kids are raised, like if they are in the "Spies" or other groups or not. Some parents might not like Big Brother so they don't want their children to like him very much.
@Inner Circle Drew mentioned that they would all chant to their savior, and that is something that actually happened back in the 1940's with Hitler. He would yell things out then all the Nazi's would chant and worship him as their dictator. Maybe that is where Orwell got the idea.
@ Sam G. I believe that Big Brother rose to power by promising the people a better future and a better life because most people are willing to have a change in their life it is going to benefit them. This strategy of .coming to power was based off of what Mussolini did to the people of Italy.
@Lauren I think the two minute hate is a way the government gets approval of the people to what they're doing. By making the "bad guy" look ridiculous and ugly and then out comes handsome, strong big Brother to say he is saving the day, the government is pulling people to their side.
@class Why is Comrade Tillotson so secretive about his work in his cubicle? Is he working on the same job that Winston thought or is it something else?
@Lauren I think it's just a time for people to unleash their anger and it's a way for the government to see if they are still faithful enough to hate their enemies. Like some people do sports to unleash their emotions.
@Everyone It's not only people in this book that hate to derive from the fact that their lives are going bad. We all do that on a daily basis out of jealousy, and frustration.
@Lauren A. What I got from Two-Minutes-Hate is that it's almost like now when there are president elections. I know in my family, when we watch them, sometimes, when the "other side" starts speaking, someone will say things like "Be quite,""You know nothing," and I think it's almost the same thing. So it's for everyone to watch the political things going on. They all are hateful because no one likes Big Brother, and that's the only time that they can speak out against the government without drawing attention.
@Kaela I think that they are trying to make themselves look more powerful. Like if they can "predict" what will happen people will think that they have a lot of power and will respect Big Brother more.
I think the children wanted to go to the hanging because they find pleasure in it. I thing they hang people pubicly because it gives them humiliation and it hows the people what happenes to the people that disobey. (Anne)
@outer circle If Winston is able to create a fictional person, do we even know that Big Brother is in fact a person?Winston described that there was a department where fake photos to create a person just like photo shop.
@Inner Circle When the children were excited to go to the hanging, it reminded me of in the Medieval Era when an entire town would gather for the "weekly hangings". It may be wrong and incredibly sadistic, but the human race thrives off of others pain.
@Kaela I think that they do that so that Big Brother looks good, and so that it seems like he is always right. By doing so, it is easier to gain the trust of the people in order to keep the government in power.
@ Kaela F. I think that the Government wants to change history so that every prediction they make is accurate because it makes it seem to the civilians that they (the Government) can do no wrong.
The Children don't have a connection with their parents like we do, and are raised with an automatic loyalty to Big Brother grow up feeling more obligated to help Big Brother and even help support him and repeat anyone un-loyal, or speak against them even if it’s their own parents.
Kaela People are known to make mistakes and so if the government looks perfect then everybody will look up to them as a perfect human being. Big Brother will be their role models if they're never wrong.
@CLASS Why does the government use the people to edit history and make it known that they are changing the facts of the past to show that they are right now?
@Anna Z. I think the Big Brother is just a term for the government as a whole, and isn't necessarily a singular person. The photos are almost like actors to show that there really are people there, but they are kept in secret so that they don't get things thrown at them and what not.
@Anna Z. I think that Big Brother may not be real, and that he may be just the poster boy for the government, kind of like Uncle Sam is here in the US.
@MMoritz I don't think that kids our age would do that no matter how much we hated them but if some teens that are coming of age would defiantly do that. It is a scary thought cause I could see my sister doing that to my mom cause she gets mad really easily and thinks my mom is always wrong. Out of impulse she may turn my mom in and regret it later.
@Eli I think that Big Brother has brainwashed the people so much that the people changing history believe that it is the right thing to do and that they are simply "making things right". The people changing things probably don't publicize that they change what the newspapers say so the truth might not get out.
@Eli Well I think that the fact that they change history is only known to those who change it and saying as your not even allowed to think for yourself, there is no way Big-Brother would allow them to get away with telling people about changes they make.
@Moritz Sorry I meant definitely I don't thinki have ever spelled that word right. My deepest condolences go out to the good kids of this class who misunderstood.
@Jack B As a boy, you may not understand, however, as a girl I do. It's kind of like a girl and her mom sort of thing, where both think they are right and the other is wrong. I know I have moments where I would like to do things that, maybe not to such extent, but it always passes. Maybe that's how a lot of kids are, that at the moment they feel horrible, but then afterwards they kind of wonder why they were thinking of something to such an extent of turning parents in.
@Collen and Angelo I agree with both of about why they have to change everything, they want to deceive everyone, and want people to think that they know everything, even what will happen.
@Eli I think they do this becasue when the novel was written, Orwell did not know about computers and how they would be used today, so he used people in the book. Also, I think that the government uses the people because they can, due to the ThoughtPolice, and how the people in the jobs would get punished if they said anything or thought anything about the way things were.
@class Do you think that they are made to excersize everyday so that it somewhat counteracts the unhealthy eating and all the alcohol that is consumed?
@Outer Circle This world is so technologically advanced it is kind of scary. Screens watching you and telling you you're not working hard enough is a little scary to think about.
@Anna Z. It's probably the same as now, where, no, nobody likes to fight in a war and kill people, however, it's an honor to fight for Oceana or the country, or however it is set up.
Eli The government really tries to keep it secret that they are changing the facts. The people are mostly too stupid to realize that they are changing things. Early when Winston is describing his job, he says that they don't work together in groups because then they will realize that they are changing history but if they work separate, they won't realize that anything is wrong with their job.
@Eli I think it is like Fahrenheit 451 how Montag doesn't remember anything about his wife while he was a fireman, but when he escaped and went to the wilderness, he started to remember his past with her.
@Anna Z. I think that it is a very honorable thing to fight for Big Brother, because even when Parsons is telling Winston about how his kids tracked a man and turned him in while they were at camp, he sounds proud and talks about how proud his children were for doing so, like serving Big Brother is an honorable thing.
@ Anna Z I agree, the way they describe it in the book as a privilege to fight on the front lines definitely makes you think that the soldiers want to die.
@Class Do you guys think it's weird that 'newspeak' can easily relate to us now? We use LOL instead of laughing out loud, and G2G for got to go. I just thought it was interesting that our text lingo is almost the same concept as newspeak.
Annie They are probably cutting down on their rations because, like any other country at war, they are running out. This place seems to be one of the few places left in the world so they don't have anybody to trade with except for Eurasia or Eastasia. There is no way that those countries have all the resources they need.
@Eli They might be discharged from their jobs so that others may take their place and placed somewhere else or they might be vaporized because once people reach a certain age their bodies may get the best of them.
@Eli Maybe they have some sort of system of 'retirement homes' to place people in so that they have a steady life and do not speak about their past since they have probably lived longer than Big Brother has been around.
@Annie G. I think they could be running out of resources, but it also could be that they want to cut down their food to not have to spend so much money on food for their communities or to make their people able to live off of less.
@ Taylor O I can definitely see how newspeak can seem very similar to today's new lingo, and maybe we will all someday speak in a new and altered language.
@Taylor I think it is a normal part of humanity to want to make things simpler for us. I think it is just part of being human that we condense and make things smaller.
@Jayla I agree! Its like a camera that follows you, takes pictures of you, counts you donw if you do something worng which is just like the viewing screens.
@Eli When Winston thinks abouts how his mother and sister were killed off in "purges," maybe that is what they do to the old people? Maybe they still have purges and get rid of the old people through them?
@innercircle I think a small part of condensing words is because they dont want people to be able to think about what they are doing so they dont realize how they are living, they just want to give them busy work with the assignmentsts their given or having to think about all the changes in all the words. (Anne)
Colleen I think that in this poor society they would just kill off the people rather than put them away with good care. This country really doesn't seem to care about their lives.
@ Paige I agree with you because he mentioned that he was in London, which is located in Oceania(present day Britain) and that is an island so hey must not have to many resources considering that Britan relys on trade and importing/exporting and they are at war and dont have that.
I am confused about Doublethink, can somebody please explain it to me?
@innercircle I think the meaning of "war is peace" is the war is making peace because they want to sieze other nations and by making them one of them they will be peaceful. (Anne)
ReplyDeleteDon't you think it would be simpler to say 'bad' than it would to say 'ungood'? Why do you think they use "newspeak"?
ReplyDelete@Inner Circle
ReplyDeleteMaybe because war is so commonplace and considered the norm in Oceania that it is "peace" because it happens all the time, constantly like peace normally would have in a normal world?
ReplyDeleteDoublethink is a word in 'Newspeak' meaning to think alot. For example, if you think somethink is really good, then in Newspeak it is doublegood.
@Jack S
ReplyDeleteI agree with your opinion on freedom is slavery because if one is given too much freedom its hard for them to manage themselves, which makes it difficult to live. It is good to be a slave in some manners, so that we all don't just go crazy
@ Paige
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me, that doublethink is where you take a thought and contradict it with the thought the big brother wants you to think until you believe what the big brother says, so it's kind of like changing yourself a little bit. That's the impression it made on me.
@Inner Circle
ReplyDeleteI think they use "War is Peace" in their slogan because war for this society had created a structured society that provided what people wanted. Jobs were able for everyone, and they all were working together because they were at war. When a community is at war, people work together and there is less fighting inside their community.
ReplyDeletein the book "doublethink is described as a series of victories over your own memory. Maybe it is like they erase their own memories to get rid of thoughts that they may not like.
ReplyDeleteThey say that they use newspeak because it is easier to talk without thinking. If there is plus something or un something it is better than thinking of bad, mean, short, tall, kind, nice. In oldspeak, talkers have to think before they say something to make sure that they get their point across succesfully. Thinking leads to thoughtcrimes so they are trying to eliminate the chances of throughtcrime, kind of like putting a wall up between the US and Mexico, if they make it hard to come over, less will come over.
@Taylor O
ReplyDeleteI think that they are trying to have everybody use "newspeak" so that they can evolve to have less thought. Big-Brother never wants anybody to contradict him and if having thoughts is a crime, then I think he is just trying to make it completley impossible to have thoughts of their own.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the fact that by seizing other nations through war you therefore create more peace because that nation can no longer be a threat to you.
@ Taylor
ReplyDeleteBad is as much a concept as it is a word, so if you take out the concept of bad the government can do whatever they want, without being "bad".
I think they don't physically erase their memory, they are just in such a routine day that their days blur togeter in a way and they use some propaganda to try to make you forget things. (Anne)
ReplyDeleteI think they also may use the "war is peace" slogan to convince people that the war is good and that it is creating peace for the people in Oceania and will make those people's lives better.
ReplyDeleteNewspeak I think is created and used to make their language condensed and simpler, kind of the idea of "less is more." If there are less words to choose from, the better chance you will have to be understood is what I think they are trying to create for their community.
@outer circle
ReplyDeleteWhy do they have thought police? Does this just mean that everyone is almost a robot, (in a sence that they go off of what Big Brother is telling them to think) or is it just so that people don't think about rising against the government?
Taylor O
ReplyDeleteI think that they believe in Newspeak so that it doesn't allow anyone to express their thoughts with a variety of words.
@Inner Circle
ReplyDeleteI think the thought police are real because Orwell probably thought that by 1984 the government would be able to control our thoughts, so therefore I think it will be a point of emphasis in the book
Why do you think people have children if they might get thrown in prison because of them and scared of them?
ReplyDelete@Lauren A
ReplyDeleteI like your thinking and it does make sense, but then again war is also apart of our life and world and probably is considered the norm for many people, yet we strive for peace everyday.
ReplyDeleteI think that they use Newspeak for many reasons, but one may be that because normal English has so many different ways to say things, it encourages and creates originality, and makes people different from each other. Also, having so many words to choose from to say one thing is a freedom, and when the people don't have the freedom to think or say what they want to (Thoughtpolice) then why wouldn't they restrict others freedoms, like the freedom to pick from a wide selection of words that all mean basically the same thing?
@Inner Circle
ReplyDeleteThe thought police is tool this society uses to control their people wit fear. Whether the thought police is real or not, it works because it forces people to obey a society they don't agree with be cause of their immense fear, to the point that kids are turning in their parents.
@innercircle I think Winston keeps writing in the journnal becuase he wanted to tell someone what he was feeling and what was happening, but he didn't have a real person to tell the things to so he wrote it down just to get it out. (Anne)
ReplyDelete@Sam G
ReplyDeleteMaybe Big-Brother requires it, to continue the population of Oceania.
@ Paige
ReplyDeleteDoublethink is a word in newspeak, which means to over think or think a lot. It is also described in the book as a series of victories over your own memories.
How do you suppose Big Brother rose to power?
ReplyDeleteI think that like in Fahrenheit 451, the people believe that it is their duty to have children and keep the population going. Maybe children were not always like that too, so people remember their childhoods when kids were a good thing and parents loved them instead of being afraid of them.
ReplyDeletePeople might have children because the government tells them it is their job to do have kids. The population would decline too much if parents don't have kids. This also leads to the question, will all kids turn their parents in even if they didn't commit any crimes?
@Annie G
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, but there are times when we don't have war, but in the book Winston recollects that he could not remember a time when they were not in war, with the exception of when he was a child.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the 'Ingsoc'?
@Sam G
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that it's not illegal to have children, as long as your married, or something like that.
ReplyDeleteDo you guys think that Farenheit 451 had a worse, or better situation going on than in this book?
@innercircle I agree that people do turn in other people so there is less of a chance for them to get caught. It's like in todays society when criminals turn in acomplises to get a shorter time in prison. (Anne)
ReplyDeleteIt might be just like in "Fahrenheit 451" when it is their duty to repopulate.
ReplyDeleteIngsoc is newspeak for English Socialism.
ReplyDeleteBig Brother probably came to power by the promise t make life better. People run towards things that promise good things for their lives. Big Brother could have started out healthy and productive, but slowly, after it came to power, it changed to the society it is in the book.
I think everyone acts the way that the government wants but just not as severely, because at the hate meeting they were all praising Big Brother and hating his enemies.
ReplyDelete@ Inner Circle
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't really matter weather the thought police exist or not because it does what it is supposed to do because it keeps civilians acting the way Big Brother wants them to. Which is scared and afraid of doing something that Big Brother would not agree with.
@Sam G
ReplyDeleteBig-Brother probably rose to power like Hitler did. They promised certain things and got so many people on their side, but went off on their own. At this point they probably had enough power, and put in so many rules that nobody could go agianst Big-Brother.
ReplyDeleteI don't see why all children would turn in their parents, the children of Mrs. Parsons clearly take their job seriously, but maybe not all children are like that.
I agree with Anne and Jack. I think that Big Brother uses the war as a way to control the people and society better. The people can’t really remember a time before the war so they now rely on Big brother to control the wars, which they believe is the only way the only way to peace.
ReplyDeleteI think the children turn their parents in because they trust their government and they feel like they accompished something and did people good. (Anne)
ReplyDeleteJack B
ReplyDeleteThe situation in Fahrenheit 451 is so much better because those people are happy and clueless. In this world, they know they might die, they work themselves till their death, and there is never enough of anything. One thing for sure is that the people are safer in Fahrenheit 451 than in 1984.
@Jack B.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you can choose because both are bad situations. Both societies run their people by fear, which pushes people to make crazy decisions.
@Annie G.
ReplyDeleteI agree, I think it could be dependent on how kids are raised, like if they are in the "Spies" or other groups or not. Some parents might not like Big Brother so they don't want their children to like him very much.
@Inner Circle
ReplyDeleteDrew mentioned that they would all chant to their savior, and that is something that actually happened back in the 1940's with Hitler. He would yell things out then all the Nazi's would chant and worship him as their dictator. Maybe that is where Orwell got the idea.
@Outer Circle
ReplyDeleteI am confused about what exactly the Two Minutes Hate is. Is it just a recording of the people Oceanians hate on the telescreen?
@ Sam G.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Big Brother rose to power by promising the people a better future and a better life because most people are willing to have a change in their life it is going to benefit them. This strategy of .coming to power was based off of what Mussolini did to the people of Italy.
ReplyDeleteI think the two minute hate is a way the government gets approval of the people to what they're doing. By making the "bad guy" look ridiculous and ugly and then out comes handsome, strong big Brother to say he is saving the day, the government is pulling people to their side.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Comrade Tillotson so secretive about his work in his cubicle? Is he working on the same job that Winston thought or is it something else?
Why does the government want to change history so that every prediction they make is accurate? Do they want to be considered prophets or something?
ReplyDeleteI think it's just a time for people to unleash their anger and it's a way for the government to see if they are still faithful enough to hate their enemies. Like some people do sports to unleash their emotions.
@Lauren A
ReplyDeleteI think its kind of a warning to people maybe "news" (probably tampered by the workers at the Ministry) about the war too.
@ Outer Circle
ReplyDeleteDo you think that Winston will ever remember what the passed used to be like?
ReplyDeleteIt's not only people in this book that hate to derive from the fact that their lives are going bad. We all do that on a daily basis out of jealousy, and frustration.
@Lauren A.
ReplyDeleteWhat I got from Two-Minutes-Hate is that it's almost like now when there are president elections. I know in my family, when we watch them, sometimes, when the "other side" starts speaking, someone will say things like "Be quite,""You know nothing," and I think it's almost the same thing. So it's for everyone to watch the political things going on. They all are hateful because no one likes Big Brother, and that's the only time that they can speak out against the government without drawing attention.
ReplyDeleteI think that they are trying to make themselves look more powerful. Like if they can "predict" what will happen people will think that they have a lot of power and will respect Big Brother more.
I think the children wanted to go to the hanging because they find pleasure in it. I thing they hang people pubicly because it gives them humiliation and it hows the people what happenes to the people that disobey. (Anne)
ReplyDelete@outer circle
ReplyDeleteIf Winston is able to create a fictional person, do we even know that Big Brother is in fact a person?Winston described that there was a department where fake photos to create a person just like photo shop.
@Inner Circle
ReplyDeleteWhen the children were excited to go to the hanging, it reminded me of in the Medieval Era when an entire town would gather for the "weekly hangings". It may be wrong and incredibly sadistic, but the human race thrives off of others pain.
ReplyDeleteI think that they do that so that Big Brother looks good, and so that it seems like he is always right. By doing so, it is easier to gain the trust of the people in order to keep the government in power.
@ Kaela F.
ReplyDeleteI think that the Government wants to change history so that every prediction they make is accurate because it makes it seem to the civilians that they (the Government) can do no wrong.
The Children don't have a connection with their parents like we do, and are raised with an automatic loyalty to Big Brother grow up feeling more obligated to help Big Brother and even help support him and repeat anyone un-loyal, or speak against them even if it’s their own parents.
ReplyDeletePeople are known to make mistakes and so if the government looks perfect then everybody will look up to them as a perfect human being. Big Brother will be their role models if they're never wrong.
ReplyDeleteWhy does the government use the people to edit history and make it known that they are changing the facts of the past to show that they are right now?
@Anna Z.
ReplyDeleteI think the Big Brother is just a term for the government as a whole, and isn't necessarily a singular person. The photos are almost like actors to show that there really are people there, but they are kept in secret so that they don't get things thrown at them and what not.
@Anna Z.
ReplyDeleteI think that Big Brother may not be real, and that he may be just the poster boy for the government, kind of like Uncle Sam is here in the US.
@ Anna Z.
ReplyDeleteYou bring up a very important point because if a worker can create a fictional person who knows what the Government can create?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that kids our age would do that no matter how much we hated them but if some teens that are coming of age would defiantly do that. It is a scary thought cause I could see my sister doing that to my mom cause she gets mad really easily and thinks my mom is always wrong. Out of impulse she may turn my mom in and regret it later.
@innercircle I think the dark hair girl will help him relize things he never had before. (Anne)
ReplyDeleteI think that Big Brother has brainwashed the people so much that the people changing history believe that it is the right thing to do and that they are simply "making things right". The people changing things probably don't publicize that they change what the newspapers say so the truth might not get out.
@Jack did you intentionally mean defiantly? or definitely?
ReplyDeleteWell I think that the fact that they change history is only known to those who change it and saying as your not even allowed to think for yourself, there is no way Big-Brother would allow them to get away with telling people about changes they make.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Winston not remember or care to remember his wife? Wouldn't he have some memories of her in his life?
ReplyDeleteSorry I meant definitely I don't thinki have ever spelled that word right. My deepest condolences go out to the good kids of this class who misunderstood.
@Jack B
ReplyDeleteAs a boy, you may not understand, however, as a girl I do. It's kind of like a girl and her mom sort of thing, where both think they are right and the other is wrong. I know I have moments where I would like to do things that, maybe not to such extent, but it always passes. Maybe that's how a lot of kids are, that at the moment they feel horrible, but then afterwards they kind of wonder why they were thinking of something to such an extent of turning parents in.
@Collen and Angelo
ReplyDeleteI agree with both of about why they have to change everything, they want to deceive everyone, and want people to think that they know everything, even what will happen.
ReplyDeleteI think they do this becasue when the novel was written, Orwell did not know about computers and how they would be used today, so he used people in the book. Also, I think that the government uses the people because they can, due to the ThoughtPolice, and how the people in the jobs would get punished if they said anything or thought anything about the way things were.
@ Anna Z. I think Big Brother is fictional. I think Big Brother was created to scare people into doing what they want them to. (Anne)
ReplyDeleteDo you think that they are made to excersize everyday so that it somewhat counteracts the unhealthy eating and all the alcohol that is consumed?
@Outer Circle
ReplyDeleteThis world is so technologically advanced it is kind of scary. Screens watching you and telling you you're not working hard enough is a little scary to think about.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think Big-Brother is cutting down on the food he gives to the people of Oceania? Do you think they are running out of resources?
Why was it described as a privilege to fight on the front lines? Is it a honorable thing to fight for Big Brother?
ReplyDelete@Anna Z.
ReplyDeleteIt's probably the same as now, where, no, nobody likes to fight in a war and kill people, however, it's an honor to fight for Oceana or the country, or however it is set up.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think happens to the elderly in this community when they get to old to work?
ReplyDeleteI think that the dark haired girl may remind him of his wife which is why he sometimes dreams of her.
ReplyDeleteThat is a good point. Maybe they want to keep a healthy population in order to be the best or in case they need them in the army.
ReplyDeleteThe government really tries to keep it secret that they are changing the facts. The people are mostly too stupid to realize that they are changing things. Early when Winston is describing his job, he says that they don't work together in groups because then they will realize that they are changing history but if they work separate, they won't realize that anything is wrong with their job.
ReplyDeleteI think it is like Fahrenheit 451 how Montag doesn't remember anything about his wife while he was a fireman, but when he escaped and went to the wilderness, he started to remember his past with her.
@Anna Z.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is a very honorable thing to fight for Big Brother, because even when Parsons is telling Winston about how his kids tracked a man and turned him in while they were at camp, he sounds proud and talks about how proud his children were for doing so, like serving Big Brother is an honorable thing.
@ Anna Z
ReplyDeleteI agree, the way they describe it in the book as a privilege to fight on the front lines definitely makes you think that the soldiers want to die.
ReplyDeleteDo you guys think it's weird that 'newspeak' can easily relate to us now? We use LOL instead of laughing out loud, and G2G for got to go. I just thought it was interesting that our text lingo is almost the same concept as newspeak.
ReplyDeleteThey are probably cutting down on their rations because, like any other country at war, they are running out. This place seems to be one of the few places left in the world so they don't have anybody to trade with except for Eurasia or Eastasia. There is no way that those countries have all the resources they need.
ReplyDeleteThey might be discharged from their jobs so that others may take their place and placed somewhere else or they might be vaporized because once people reach a certain age their bodies may get the best of them.
ReplyDeleteThe whole veiwing screen always watching them reminds me of kinect.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they have some sort of system of 'retirement homes' to place people in so that they have a steady life and do not speak about their past since they have probably lived longer than Big Brother has been around.
@Annie G.
ReplyDeleteI think they could be running out of resources, but it also could be that they want to cut down their food to not have to spend so much money on food for their communities or to make their people able to live off of less.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point. It's like they attached Skype to an X-box.
@ Taylor O
ReplyDeleteI can definitely see how newspeak can seem very similar to today's new lingo, and maybe we will all someday speak in a new and altered language.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a normal part of humanity to want to make things simpler for us. I think it is just part of being human that we condense and make things smaller.
ReplyDeleteI agree! Its like a camera that follows you, takes pictures of you, counts you donw if you do something worng which is just like the viewing screens.
Last thoughts?
ReplyDeleteWhen Winston thinks abouts how his mother and sister were killed off in "purges," maybe that is what they do to the old people? Maybe they still have purges and get rid of the old people through them?
@innercircle I think a small part of condensing words is because they dont want people to be able to think about what they are doing so they dont realize how they are living, they just want to give them busy work with the assignmentsts their given or having to think about all the changes in all the words. (Anne)
ReplyDeleteFinal thought
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying the story so far and feel that the description of some things in the book help out a lot in understanding the plot.
ReplyDeleteI think that in this poor society they would just kill off the people rather than put them away with good care. This country really doesn't seem to care about their lives.
@ Paige
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because he mentioned that he was in London, which is located in Oceania(present day Britain) and that is an island so hey must not have to many resources considering that Britan relys on trade and importing/exporting and they are at war and dont have that.
ReplyDeletei think they use newspeak because big brother feels that talking is'nt as big of a threat than thinking
ReplyDeleteI think the elderly live in their own area and world and aren't a part of the society
@ Sam
ReplyDeleteThey have kids because Big Brother wants people to re populate. If they couldn't I don't think they would
@ Annie G
ReplyDeleteI think they need to spend less money since they are spending so much on the war, and because of that the citizens are suffering