Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Meaning--Per. 2

1 comment:

  1. I would first like to start off by saying that I apologize for being absent on such a heated discussion. On the other hand, this discussion seem to get very repetitive over the common issue of religion (which is the first idea that came to my mind while reading). Although the world does see different points of views on religious aspects, it seems as if there is a common belief of one "almighty beholder" (so to speak). In finding meaning in life, most in times, we people will look towards a higher being in order to fulfill a greater need of being the best we are and what we do. However, in some cases it seems as if some people don't need this (which is fine with me). But, meaning would be useless if there wasn't something to look forward to once this (as in our lives) are complete. Now being a Catholic I do believe in God as a higher and almighty beholder, but in circumstances of all religions, (and even those without) there are always commons morals in finding meaning in one's life. Throughout many life circumstances, it seems as if everyone is running a maze in which to find a relief in which "meaning" in life is applicable to what we've been looking for, and yet we all just run in circles, because what is there to believe in if there is no higher being? If there is nothing else beyond this life than what is there to live for? Those are the questions that fuel our meaning in life, and even my own life as to why believing in such a higher existence is important to fueling belief in our lives. However, there is also another question that is important to existence and why to pursue meaning. Why not believe? Because if no belief is struck into presence of a God or beholder, then what would this world be used for? A simple mind trick (I don't think so). See, even looking back into ancient times Egyptian created their infrastructures to the Gods and would be "repented" (so to speak) in return. So if there wasn't a higher being why would there be luck? Or karma (if you believe in that)? Or even miracles? Why not believe in higher existence? Because some things in life just can never be explained as to meaning of our lives in the world.
